I absolutely love browsing the internet to find my students new and interesting educational software to use and I love it even more when I find something that's FREE.
Kid Rocket is a web browser for kids, that also protects your desktop from click happy little fingers! Its really simple - really. Instead of letting the browser have access to the whole world wide web and 'trying' to filter out the bad content, like most childrens internet browsers, filtering software do. The KidRocket designers have blocked out the entire internet and only let the browser access limited, top quality, child related web sites like Starfall and PBS Kids.
Kid Rocket allows children to also practice math skills, drawing skills which allows the student to then save it or email it as an ecard and play classic games and puzzles. There are cool admin controls for teachers and parents alike. New features are in the works and a "READ" section is coming soon. Check out the demonstration video and then download this cool tool and enjoy.